20mph Speed Limit for Dorking Town Roads

Dorking Town centre is set to have a 20mph speed limit following Surrey County Council’s decision to introduce “appropriate” speed limits throughout the County earlier this year.
After this decision was taken, Liberal Democrat County Councillor for the Dorking Hills, Hazel Watson, promoted the introduction of a 20mph speed limit through Dorking town centre and in residential roads close to the town centre.
This proposal has now been selected as one of the dozen Countywide “Integrated Transport Schemes” to be progressed for design and scoping in 2025, with funding allocated for the implementation of the lower, appropriate, speed limits which will be linked with any emerging programme from the Dorking Masterplan.
Hazel Watson said, “This is fantastic news for Dorking.
“We now have a programme which will enable the introduction of an appropriate speed limit throughout the town centre and nearby roads with the detailed scheme to be designed, required signage for the 20mph speed limit set to be determined and then introduced over the next two years.
“This lower speed limit has been called for by many residents over a number of years and it should now be implemented.”
Hazel Watson added, “This proposal for Dorking Town builds on the very successful introduction of lower, appropriate, 20mph or 30mph speed limits which have been introduced on many of the rural lanes and through the village centres across the Dorking Hills over the last few years.”
Hazel Watson concluded, “Road safety is a very high priority for Surrey residents, and, with this proposal, we are continuing to deliver lower, appropriate, speed limits in our towns as well as in our rural lanes and village centres.”