Brexit - demand grows for a People's Vote

The Conservatives are making a mess of Brexit, and the Labour Leadership continues to support them. The Liberal Democrats want to give you the final say on the Brexit deal.
Whether people voted Leave or Remain in the 2016 Referendum, latest opinion polls show that most are dissatisfied with the Government's proposals and concerned at the prospect of No Deal. Most support a People's Vote on the final deal, including the option to Remain members of the EU - it's just our MPs who need to respect public opinion on this.
Here are some things you can do to make this happen:
1. Support the LibDem campaign
2. Sign the Peoples Vote petition
3. Sign the Independent's Final Say petition
4. Write to your MP demanding they support calls for a referendum on the final deal:
a) Mole Valley - Sir Paul Beresford
5. Support local events run by European Movement Mole Valley
We only have a few weeks to make this happen, so please act now if you agree that this is important.