Fetcham Surgery - update on petition

Many thanks to the hundreds of residents who have so far signed our petition to retain a GP surgery in Fetcham, following the Molebridge Practice's application to close its Fetcham surgery from 20 August. And particular thanks to those of you who have printed off a copy of the petition and collected signatures from friends and neighbours. If you have not yet signed you can do so here: mvld.org.uk/fetchamgp Or you can download a signature sheet for your friends and nieghbours to sign.
We will be submitting the first tranche of responses on Friday 14 June to coincide with the deadline for responses to the Molebridge Practice's survey. However, we will continue to collect signatures ahead of 12 July which is the date the Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has given for its meeting to determine the application. You can also submit comments to the CCG directly:
Email: paul.coppini@nhs.net
Or write or deliver your response to:
Paul Coppini
Primary Care Contracts Manager
NHS Surrey Downs CCG
Cedar Court
36 Guildford Road
KT22 9AE
From talking to residents it has become clear to us that many residents are still unaware of the closure proposal. This includes both current Molebridge patients and former patients who say they would be willing to register with a new practice in our area. So if you do get a chance please share this email and our petition with as many of your friends and neighbours as possible.
The CCG were originally going to consider the application in private. However, following requests from us and others they have agreed to hold some of the discussion in public. The currently scheduled dates for consideration by the CCG are as follows:
21 June: Primary Care Operational Group (PCOG) meeting in public
28 June: PCOG meeting in private (public not admitted)
12 July: Primary Care Commissioning Committee (PCCC) meeting in public, currently at 9am in Weybridge. However, the CCG is considering our request to consider the application at a more convenient time and location. So watch this space.
Thanks again for your support on this important issue for our community. We will continue to work with other councillors and the Fetcham Residents Association to champion the case for a high quality GP surgery for Fetcham residents.
If you have any questions or need any further help, please get in touch with us at paulkennedy@mvld.org.uk (07947430762) or raj@mvld.org.uk (07903358358).