Local Plan goes to final consultation
Consultation on "Main modifications" as new Local Plan enters final stages.
Mole Valley Council has opened the final consultaiton on the new Local Plan before the Inspector produces her final report. The consultation period lasts from Friday 1st March to Tuesday 23rd April. Details can be found at www.futuremolevalley.org
The Local Plan is now going ahead with some Green Belt land released for housing. This is happening because the Government did not deliver on its promise to let local Councils decide what is best for their area.
Your Lib Dem-led Council planned to use the freedoms promised last year to remove all Green Belt land from the Plan. But, after a year’s dithering and delay, the Conservatives now say that Mole Valley Council must stick with out-of-date planning rules. Unfortunately, this means some Green Belt land will be included in the Plan.
“We now need to get the Plan approved as quickly as possible”, said Liberal Democrat Council Leader, Stephen Cooksey.
A further delay will threaten more sites
Meanwhile, our wider Green Belt is at great risk. This is because developers can and will apply for permission at unsuitable sites anywhere across our District. And, until we have the protection of an approved Local Plan, they may very well get permission from central government Inspectors, even if our local Council denies planning consent.
Cllr. Cooksey continued, “The sites required to secure Government approval of our draft Plan are less than 1% of our Green Belt, but I understand that this will be unwelcome news for many people living near affected sites.”
He added, “We listened to residents and their priority is for affordable, high quality, energy efficient homes. It’s clear that the Conservative Government has ignored local views on the Green Belt.”
Lib Dem campaigner Chris Coghlan concluded, “The Conservatives are deaf to local communities and their housing needs. It’s time for them to go.”