Make sure you're ready to vote

On 4th July, thousands of local people will vote to choose with Chris Coghlan a new Member of Parliament to stand up for our area.
Here are the key deadlines in order to ensure your vote can count. The clock is ticking so any delay may cost you your vote.
Make sure you are registered to vote
If you aren’t registered, then you won’t be able to vote. There is still time to register to vote before the deadline at 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June.
You can register online in just five minutes.
The election here in Dorking and Horley will be very close. If you know any students at college away from home, please encourage them to make sure they are registered at their home address so they can cast their vote here where it could make all the difference.
Get a postal vote if you may be away on July 4th
At every election many people lose their vote because they are away or unable to get to the polling station. A few years ago a Headley resident got delayed on his way home and reached the polling station 30 seconds too late to vote. He couldn't vote.
The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm, Wednesday 19 June 2024.
You can apply online here:
Make sure your Photo-ID is valid
Since the Government changed the rules to require Photo-ID to vote thousands of people have been turned away from the polling station because they don't have the right form of ID.
You can see the list of types of photo-ID the Government will accept by clicking below:
Get a Voter Authority Certificate
If you don't have a photo-ID that the government will accept, you still have time to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. The deadline to apply is 5pm on 26 June 2024. Apply here: