Park Homes energy rebate - Government response
At the Mole Valley Council meeting in July, councillors of all parties gave unanimous support to a motion proposed by Lib Dem Councillor David Preedy for the Council to write to ministers and work with local MPs to keep pressure on the Government to resolve the "anomaly" whereby many Park Home residents would not be eligible for the £400 per household rebate.
Since the debate other Lib Dem councillors have identified that the same issue affects some residents in local Almshouses and in Housing Association sheltered housing.
AT the end of July, the Government released a statement giving more details of the scheme. Whilst it does not explain how the issue will be resolved, it does make a commitment to find a solution. Part of the statement says:
"As part of this package, we are confirming today that further funding will be available to provide equivalent support of £400 for energy bills for the 1% of households who will not be reached through the EBSS. This includes those who do not have a domestic electricity meter or a direct relationship with an energy supplier, such as park home residents. An announcement with details on how and when these households across Great Britain can access this support will be made this Autumn."
David Preedy comments: "Whilst this commitment is very welcome, I would feel much more confident if there were details of how this will work. Given the current uncertainty in Westminster, I would ask our MPs to seek assurances from both Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak that they totally back this announcement."
"Meanwhile I would like to support the many local residents who signed our petition and those who wrote to our MP."