Pigeon fouling in Fetcham

The Liberal Democrats are calling for appropriate enforcement action against Network Rail over its failure to authorise Mole Valley District Council to take effective action over pigeon fouling under the railway bridge between Fetcham and Leatherhead.
This problem has been dragging on for years with no resolution and Mole Valley District Council is having to divert council taxpayers' funds to what is now weekly cleaning of the pavements under the bridge. Network Rail has accepted the need for the work to be undertaken by the Council but the parties have failed to conclude a legal agreement authorising the work - see public questions posed by Liberal Democrat representatives below.
Fetcham West Councillor Paul Kennedy said: "The time for pleading with Network Rail is over. With any other landowner and any other council, we would have issued an enforcement notice, done the work and sent them the bill. We are asking concerned residents to sign our petition calling for action."
Sign the petition
The minutes of the last MVDC Cabinet meeting in June 2018 state as follows:
(3) The following question was submitted by Councillor Paul Kennedy
An answer to a public question at the Mole Valley Local Committee meeting on 14 March 2018 stated as follows:
"Network Rail have agreed that additional pigeon proofing work needs to be carried out to the bridge over Guildford Road. Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) is working together with Network Rail to arrange the necessary works and are currently awaiting quotes for the work. In the meantime MVDC will maintain the contract for additional cleansing of the pavements under the bridge to keep any fouling to a minimum."
What progress has been made since then please?"
Councillor Patricia Wiltshire replied as follows:
"We are continuing to press Network Rail for the legal agreement that would enable MVDC to carry out the pigeon proofing work on their behalf with the costs recharged to Network Rail. Until that is received it would not be prudent to risk MVDC resources on commissioning work without the assurance that it can be executed. In the meantime the pavement continues to be jet washed once a fortnight by our street cleaning contractor. The next clean is scheduled for this Thursday.
I will ensure that Councillor Kennedy is kept up to date with our progress in resolving this issue."
Councillor Kennedy asked a supplemental question as to why this was taking so long. Had particular obstacles been raised by Network Rail?
Councillor Wiltshire replied that officers were trying to obtain a response and this was being treated as a matter of urgency. Councillor Wiltshire reiterated that she would keep Councillor Kennedy informed of progress.