Tesco in Bookham High Street?
Tesco have applied to Mole Valley District Council for a premises licence at the old Co-op building at the top of Bookham High Street. The consultation closes on 4thMarch.
Full details of the application, including how to comment, can be found online at:

The Bookham Lib Dem team have been out talking to shoppers about the proposals. Most people welcomed the prospect of a new store, which would attract more people to the High Street.
The main concerns raised were:
- the proposed extended hours from 6am to midnight, which would be longer than at the existing Co-op, and Sainsbury's in Fetcham;
- the need to prevent unfair competition with our excellent, local shops in Bookham.
Comments must clearly relate to at least one of the Licensing Act 2003 objectives:
- Prevention of Crime and Disorder
- Public Safety
- Public Nuisance
- Protection of Children from Harm
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