Vision for riverside in Leatherhead
The long-awaited initial concept plans for the Riverside in Leatherhead were recently revealed. Award winning Landscape Architects Allen Scott Ltd were appointed to create a vision for the Riverside, and have produced a range of ideas from a pedestrian bridge across the river, to natural play areas, and viewing platforms. A public consultation with 2 drop-ins has taken place and the team is looking forward to reviewing the feedback, before more detailed plans are agreed.
Cllr Keira Vyvyan-Robinson, Cabinet Member for Projects and responsible for Transform Leatherhead said, “The publication of the concept plans for the Riverside is an exciting step forward. Together with the recent signing of the Partnership Agreement with Kier, it shows that the Transform Leatherhead project is gathering steam.
“It has been great to see residents’ enthusiastic response to the concept drawings for the Riverside, and to chat with them about their passionately held views.
“There will be more opportunities to respond as the plans are further refined, so don’t worry if you missed this consultation.”