Chris Miller for Fetcham East
Chris has lived in Fetcham for 30 years - and is the only candidate in this elecon who lives in the village. She raised her family here and, following an early career with BP, she and her partner built a software development company based in Leatherhead.
Combating climate change is amongst her top priories. "We must do this for our children and grandchildren who have inherited a world that we, at best unknowingly, have put at risk", she says.
Chris believes passionately in improving healthcare for all. She says, "Post Covid we must fight to protect and maintain the jewel that is our NHS."
Chris wants to see carefully balanced housing development to ensure that genuinely affordable housing is delivered without damaging the countryside.
For a liberal voice in Fetcham East and a Fairer, Greener, more Caring Mole Valley, vote for Chris Miller on May 5th.