The District Council is progressing its Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
The Lib Dem led District Council have ensured that the proposals which involved cutting down mature trees on the Westcott Road will not be taken forward.
The Lib Dem led District Council have ensured that the proposals which involved cutting down mature trees on the Westcott Road will not be taken forward.
As the cost of a First-Class stamp rises to £1.25, there is no sign of any improvement to the appalling delivery service that residents in Dorking and wider Mole Valley have been subjected to for the last six months.
Mole Valley’s Lib Dem Council is developing ambitious plans to improve our town and complete projects that have been on hold for a long time.
The multi purpose surface directly outside the Community Centre on the Brocus in Newdigate has fallen into disrepair and is not fit for purpose.
Cabinet Member for Sustainable Economy Lib Dem Councillor Clayton Wellman says the Council expects high standards from its contractors and will enforce contract terms when necessary.
Government funding cuts, inflation and increasing demands are threatening services, so even well managed councils like Mole Valley face drastic decisions.
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate Chris Coghlan has welcomed a Surrey County Council report that highlights the lack of Adult Education provision in Leatherhead, Dorking and Horley.
Surrey County Council has agreed to allow residents to dispose free of charge of small quantities of household DIY waste at its largest Community Recycling Centres.
The Liberal Democrats would give cancer patients a new legal right to treatment within two months of an urgent referral, to make sure you get the care that you deserve.
The latest Election Maps Nowcast MRP poll predicts a Lib Dem gain in Dorking and Horley
15 children from the village of Charlwood attending the Priory School in Dorking have been denied a place on the school bus provided by Surrey County Council.
Have you been bothered by something you have seen in your area? Have caravans appeared on a next door paddock, have a neighbour’s plans for a modest single storey extension suddenly mushroomed into an extra wing?