Liberal Democrats pledge to plant 60m trees a year
Paul Kennedy's statement on the Liberal Democrats policy:
Paul Kennedy's statement on the Liberal Democrats policy:
At the recent Mole Valley Scrutiny Committee, Liberal Democrat councillors defeated an attempt by the Conservatives to delay the implementation of the much-needed Opportunity Dorking regeneration initiative to promote the culture and economy of Dorking. The proposal had already been considered by Scrutiny Committee in October, but none of the Conservative councillors (apart from the Chairman of Scrutiny to give his formal report) had attended or asked any questions at the subsequent Cabinet meeting which approved it.
Skills Wallets are a plan to allow every adult in England to access training throughout their lives, after leaving full time education.
Paul Kennedy, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Mole Valley, is backing the Friends of Ripley Primary School (FoRPS) campaign to reopen Ripley School, which was controversially closed by Conservative Surrey County Council last year. If elected as Mole Valley's MP, Paul will strongly oppose any attempt to sell off the land for housing.
Thanks to everyone who backed the successful Mole Valley Liberal Democrats' 2-year campaign against the Conservatives' plans to close Dorking's busy community recycling centre from 31 October:
"We're lucky to live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, but we have seen a decline in the viability of our high streets in recent years years", says local councillor and campaigner, Paul Kennedy.
The extreme likelihood of a general election taking place later this Autumn has forced Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) to review and delay the public consultation process for the Local Plan.
The Dorking Tip, which has been under threat of closure by the County Council, could be saved.
Surrey County Council has just granted UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) planning permission for four extra production oil wells and a water reinjection well (11th September). The Planning and Regulatory Committee failed to take into account both government policy on climate change and their own recent declaration of a Climate Emergency. Furthermore, the recent worrying spate of earthquakes around Newdigate were not deemed valid in terms of planning objections; earthquakes apparently come under the jurisdiction of the Environment Agency and the Oil and Gas Authority, bodies which did not object on these grounds. Consequently, they were afforded no weight in the planning decision.
The Lib Dem administration considers the problem of roadside littering in Mole Valley to be a critical issue that needs a comprehensive solution.
At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 9th July the Lib Dems supported the opposition motion to positively celebrate local diversity in Mole Valley. We made some amendments to ensure proper management and effective use of limited council resources and agreed to promote inclusion in all appropriate future communication.
Today we received the wonderful news that the Molebridge Practice's application to close its Fetcham surgery has been withdrawn. Read the Statement.